Defence School Mentor Program

Harrison School Defence Mentor

Defence School Mentor: Cassandra Price

Defence School Mentor Program

At Harrison School we have a large Defence community. As a Defence School Mentor, I work across the whole school to assist Defence students and their families as they arrive at Harrison, during times of deployment or training, and as students get ready to transition out from Harrison School.

The DSM program is funded by the Department of Defence through Defence Member and Family Support and DSM’s are employed as members of the school staff to support the wellbeing of children of ADF members and their families as a part of the school community.

The role of Defence School Mentor assists with:

Settling in

Starting at a new school can be stressful for some students. The DSM is friendly face both students and parents can connect with and talk to. DSM's work on helping your child feel that they are valued as important members of the school community and to develop friendship and support networks within the broader community, as quickly as possible. They can provide information on educational allowances provided by the Department of Defence, should your child require extra tuition due to posting.

The DSM runs programs run over the course of the year, that can support students who may be struggling emotionally or socially. During the week there are social events run to assist students and families in building and sustaining friendships with others that understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with a Defence lifestyle.

Deployed parent/Absent from Home (Courses/Deployment/URF)

Family separation affects all members of the family and children’s behaviour can sometimes alter as they try to adapt to the changes in home life. It can be challenging for the parent who is ‘holding down the fort’ and the DSM is here to support your child/children and you through these changes and challenges, as well as when the serving member returns.

Posting Out

Most children adapt well and see moving as an adventure. Other children need extra encouragement and positive thinking strategies. A DSM works with students who are posting out of Canberra to farewell their current friends and talk through preparing for their new school. The DSM can also recommend programs to help the child such as ADF Equip.

Defence School Mentor 

I am Cassie Price, I have a background in Education, and am a defence spouse of over 14 years, with this knowledge I believe that I can understand what your family may be going through, through enlisting, deployments, courses, transitioning out of service and Reserve service and will listen and help to guide your family to the supports offered by Harrison School and the Defence School Mentor Program during your time at Harrison School. I also enjoy a good chat and coffee. I look forward to seeing you at Harrison School.

Please reach out to myself at, or the school at anytime for more information.