Safe and Supportive Schools

We all have the right to be treated with fairness and dignity, to learn and work in a safe, respectful and supportive school environment that values diversity and is free from

Children, young people, their families, school staff and the broader community can expect ACT public schools to be a positive and engaging environment where young people feel connected, respected, achieve success and are fully engaged in their learning.

Violence and harassment has no place in schools.

If you have concerns about bullying, it is really important to seek help:

Parents and carers are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher or school principal about any issue or concern regarding their child’s welfare.

Alternatively, parents, carers and community members can raise any concerns with the ACT Education Directorate through the Complaints and Feedback Unit online via the ACT Education Directorate contact form or by phone (02) 6205 5429 between 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday.

Further advice and information:

The Safe and Supportive Schools policy

The Safe and Supportive Schools policy, procedures and support documents provide guidance to schools to ensure they have processes and policies in place to address bullying, harassment, violence and to respond to complex behaviours of concern. The code of conduct outlines acceptable behaviour of students, staff, parents and visitors to ACT public schools.

The ACT Education Safe and Supportive Schools materials are intended to guide schools and their wider communities to:


The Australian Student Wellbeing Framework

The Australian Student Wellbeing Framework Image of Leadership, Inclusion, Student Voice, Partnership and Support

The Safe and Supportive Schools Policy aligns with the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework. This Framework is part of a national approach to supporting schools to build safe school communities. It outlines a vision which includes creating learning environments which are free from bullying, harassment, aggression and violence; and provides a set of guiding principles which assist school communities to develop positive and practical student safety and wellbeing policies.


Online Etiquette and Cyber Safety

Cyber safety is important for all users of online platforms and linked devices. Harrison School strives to provide safe, respectful, supportive environments and students agree to abide by our Student Code of Conduct. This extends to the online world and includes such things as sexual/physical/personal harassment; and, the sharing of material that is denigrating, bullying, illegal, unwanted or of a questionable nature, either about others or oneself. Whilst at school or engaging in school activities students, staff and other stakeholders must comply with ACT Government policies.

The internet is an essential part of young people’s lives – for learning, keeping in touch with friends and having fun.

You can help them explore their digital world while educating them about how to avoid harmful experiences online, and how to deal with them if they arise.

Talk to young people early, and often, about what they are doing online. For tips and advice about how to help children to stay safe online there are some useful sites:

Office of the Safety Commissioner

eSafety Commissioner

The Office provides audience-specific content to help educate all Australians about online safety including young people, women, teachers, parents, seniors and community groups. Their goal is to empower all Australians to explore the online world safely.

The eSafety Commissioner also provides support when things go wrong online. If you or your young person have experienced or are experiencing an issue online, report it here

ThinkUKnow - in conjunction with Australian Federal Police (AFP)

ThinkUKnow is an Internet safety program delivering interactive training to parents, carers and teachers through primary and secondary schools across Australia using a network of accredited trainers.

Safe and healthy work environments

Harrison School is committed to the provision of a safe and healthy work environment for all employees, volunteers, contractors, and visitors in line with relevant Workplace Health and Safety legislation, compliance codes and appropriate standards, by:

  1. Providing an environment that promotes and supports the physical and psychological health and wellbeing of employees in the workplace in line with ACT Public Service values of Respect, Integrity, Innovation, Collaboration and the Code of Conduct;
  2. Maintaining a process of continuous improvement and processes ensuring safety practices are maintained and the school is compliant;
  3. Ensuring staff are appropriately trained and educated in the area of WHS in line with position accountability and responsibilities including individual obligations to personal safety;
  4. Providing facilities, equipment, resources and services to enable employees to perform their role safely;
  5. Regularly communicating with staff in relation to WHS initiatives and programs that support a workplace health and safety culture.
  6. Ensuring WHS is an integral part of all management systems and core operations

Commitment to actions: This involvement of all employees at every level is required to achieve workplace health and safety objectives.

Electronic cigarettes/vaping

In keeping with maintaining a safe and healthy work environment, the School has guidelines around electronic cigarettes/vaping:.

ACT Health has up to date information on their website. The link is below.


For policy information regarding Computers, Devices and Internet use, please see ACT Education Directorate website here:

Communities Online: Acceptable use of ICT – Parents and Students Policy is here: